just do it , anyway!

 Have you ever felt that you are way smarter than others but not doing anything.?

 hello guys! I hope you are reading this because you are someone who can relate too much to the above situation, don't worry, I have written down 4 ways in which, this would help you to take action as well as decisions.

so let's get started with WHYY this happen with us!!!

  • Maybe we want to just show off that we have knowledge.

  This happens with almost everyone at some point in their life. There is a proverb that says 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing' expresses the idea that having a half or a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are, which can lead to mistakes being made. for example, if you are a fitness freak guy and have good muscular physic but you don't have a piece much knowledge about nutrition and body type and someone comes to you and starts asking you about, he needs some tips to lose weight. In that case, if you are not aware of his body type or body fat percentage(which is a crucial thing to know to get results) and without it, you just start giving him some tips on the basis of half or a Small amount of knowledge that you have consumed from YouTube or Some random person so, that leads to misguiding.

   So, the people will think that guy has excellent knowledge about fitness just because of his physic but, in reality, he doesn't.

  So, when he tries to do something in that particular field with the same mindset just because he is being influenced by someone then he might end up doing nothing due to his show-off attitude.

 So, rather than showing off things, do something which really means to you. it will help you to get where you want to go.

  • Lots of information about particular things leads to overthinking.

First, we need to understand

What does overthink feel like?

When you're overthinking you might feel like your brain won't shut off. When you try to sleep, you might even feel as though your brain is on overdrive as it replays scenarios in your head and causes you to imagine bad things happening. This is what overthinking looks like.! 

Now, you might be thinking that how a lot of information leads to overthinking? Well! Let me explain to you- suppose you have just completed your graduation from the commerce field And now, you have good knowledge about how the stock market works, how businesses work, what is corporate life looks like(eg 9 -5), politics, economy, startups, etc. So, when it comes to making decisions like in which particular commencing field you want to make your career further, that's when we start overthinking about such things. And sometimes that leads to end up doing nothing because we just keep overthinking about it rather than working, trying and exploring one by one thing out which you love to do and try to find out your best interest from it. this will help you to take action.

  • Not having the guts to take action.

One of the main reasons why we don't have the guts to do something is that we afraid of the word what if...What if people will think if I couldn't able to do it...What if I got failed...What if this happens to me...What if that happens to me...And so on!

So, to deal with such types of questions or self-doubt,  just think of one line which I heard from Ankur wariko sir is that - what will be the worst thing that would happen if I take a particular action! Ask this question to yourself and the answer to this question will give you much more clarity than ever before. And I am sure that this will help you to take more action and even decisions.

  • When it comes to ourself to take decisions/actions we become extra careful.

   Have you ever got Into a situation where we easily give a piece of advice to our friends, colleagues and even the loved ones about their problems like if you do this / that then this problem might be solved easily or we just show some sympathy towards them to give them some strength! This sounds very helpful right?! but it's helpless sometimes when it comes to ourselves because we become extra careful. we feel like our problem is way bigger than anyone out there or we just give much more importance to the particular thing than necessary. 

  If you want to get rid of such a mindset you can do one thing, if you ever got into the same situation where you can't just help yourself, then try to treat yourself like you are treating your best friend! Guide yourself like you are guiding your friend and Give advice to yourself like you are advising your best friend! This will help a lot to make a decision as well as action!

I wish this blog will help you on some level to take action and make decisions.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below if you like it and have any suggestions!! and tell me whether you agree or disagree and why.

thanking you!


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